Datenschutz | Impressum

2. Irina S., 25 y.o.


I owe my most sincere respect to the specialists of Medigerman and German doctors. My 9-month-old daughter fell sick. Back at home we were sent round multiple doctors and underwent numerous expensive diagnostic procedures – all in all, the child was treated as a lab rat. However, things were only turning for worse. And then, we’d found Medigerman on the internet. We decided to use their services, because the company provided us with clear counselling and explanation for every inquiry that we made. In only 3 days all tests were ready and the kid got examined by highly qualified German medical professionals. She was diagnosed with a genetic disorder. Of course, I panicked at first! However, the girl received an effective treatment, and the day after she literally beamed. We are already home, our daughter feels well. Additionally, I always keep our German doctor’s phone number in my notebook, in case we need him again.
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