Datenschutz | Impressum

Gastric cancer

A disease, such as gastric cancer suggests a very attentive individual approach. Some of the main treatment pillars are, therefore, diagnostics and the analysis of the tumor development stage. It is this data that treatment strategies selection relies upon.


The most effective diagnostic method in this case is fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The fiber-optic probe is inserted into the esophagus reaching the stomach; at this point a doctor can assess the extent and depth of the tissue damage, as well as its area and profoundness. As part of the test, samplings of the affected tissues are collected for biopsy. Subsequently, these samples proceed to the laboratory, where they are examined under a microscope in order to confirm or reject the initial diagnosis. MRI is then used to determine the presence of metastases in the surrounding organs and tissues.


Surgery is deemed to be the most radical and effective treatment for gastric cancer. Different types of surgical intervention are recommended depending on the stage of cancer development. So, if the tumor is quite young, German doctors would usually prefer attenuated endoscopic removal. In cases of total or subtotal gastrostomy, the most commonly used procedure is laparoscopy, which minimizes interference with the patient’s body, as well as endoluminal laser ablation.


Gastric cancer treatment in Germany also features a range of non-surgical methods. These include chemotherapy using the latest medications, which have a reduced chance of side effects, as well as a focused irradiation exposure.


Our patients’ feedbacks serve as the best proof of the therapy effectiveness. With Medigerman you will have the opportunity to enjoy the whole spectrum of German cancer medicine. We will refer you to specialized clinics, where leading oncologists will deal exactly with your case. In addition, cooperation with us ensues a price reduction, which is only possible due to our strong partnerships with the clinics.


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