Datenschutz | Impressum

Breast cancer

2110226B-195Breast cancer treatment in Germany constantly draws attention of both state authorities and scientists. Significant financial grants stemming from both the government and the European Union Medical Committee are steadily allocated into the projects dedicated to the development of new methods and medications for combating breast cancer. The reason for this is simple: breast cancer a number one tumor malignancy among women over 50 years of age. Therefore, in many German regions have even special screening programs to detect this pathology at the earliest possible stage.


Both German doctors and patients suggest that such a vivid attention to the problem contributes to oncologists’ skills and, thus, increases the number of cured patients. Medigerman gives you a chance to put doctors’ knowledge to practice.


If you intend to undergo a treatment for breast cancer in Germany, we will make sure that you get consulted by the best oncologists in the field and receive medical services only at the leading specialized hospitals. There you can count on an attentive and caring attitude of the medical staff while going through a well-balanced individually tailored treatment plan, which includes careful diagnosis, encompassing mammography, ultrasound, puncture, etc.


In case you need a surgery, the subsequent esthetic defects will be reduced or completely eliminated using plastic surgery or a type of intervention with the maximum preservation of healthy tissues. However, prices are also important, and here we can guarantee that with us you will get a high quality treatment of the same total cost that you would end up with in Russia.


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